Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Squidoo Lenses - Made One I'm Proud of. It's About Making Money Online with Article Marketing of All Things

It's been a while since I posted anything about lenses, been busy with article marketing. Also forum marketing.

I've been more successful at forum marketing than at article marketing. Till recently, when I invested $29 dollars in an article marketing program.

Now, that I've learned how to do articles so I have real article marketing campaigns, things are looking up for article marketing and me, we're getting to be pals, now.

My first lens,, was fun to do. Hope you're seeing this if you visit. Yes, the article marketing program I'm promoting is great, taught me things I did not even dream of knowing about writing persuasive articles. But don't miss out on the fun I had. It's showing, honest to goodness, cross my heart too.

Now, let's index that puppy.

PS I know 3 times more ways to get the spiders to get my earning money online with article marketing lens indexed than the last time I mentioned a lens. But I'm 3 times lazier too.

Must be the late June air.

PPS Article marketing here I come! Got to write articles for this lens. Then a blog. Then... Ah, the busy life of an article marketing dude in the early part of the 21st century!

You Can Make Money Online With Article Marketing

Article marketing is a funny thing.  You can write great articles, from a readability point of view, that no one reads, because you messed up the title.  It can be #1 on Google for your chosen keyword, and you don't get one, not one, person to read.

Found that the hard way, with a hard to manipulate keyword: remortgage bad. Can't have a great title with that. And without a great title you don't have readers. Without readers, you don't have article marketing.

So far, forum marketing, not article marketing is making me the most money.  But recently I got me a program (course?) to teach myself proper article writing for proper article marketing.

It's an awesome program, works for me, it's got my article marketing where it's earning money online for me.