Sunday, November 21, 2010

Earning Extra Money Online With Article Marketing

A while back I bought a course on writing articles for article marketing.  I'm pretty good at writing, so why would I want to do that?  Because being good at writing is not the same as being good at earning money online with article marketing.  I found that out the hard way.

The hard way, by the way, was me writing articles that few people read.

Let me amend that. The hard way was me spending tons of time to write an article that few people read, an article that got few to no people to visit the site I recommended.

Turns out psychology is important here. Buyer psychology. You can't tell a fat bride-bride-to-be she's fat even though she's online looking for a way to lose 30 LBs in the next 5 weeks so she could fit in that size 18 wedding dressed she chose a year and 2,000 Boston creme donuts ago.

Then there's the little tricks you can use to get them to start moving their eyes down the page, towards your bio, where you have them links you put too much hoping into.

And, of course, the bio.

So, I bought. And learned. And the first thing I did was to write a Squidoo lens to promote that course, it was so good.

Here's the link to that lens. It's a fine lens, especially since I put some nice photos there.

Of course, maybe it's not my lens, how would you know, right? But it's still a fine lens.

By now you surely know I know a good lens when I see one.

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