Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Learning to use links

This is my first try: ab machines

Obviously, I have a site where I'm promoting ab machines.
A far cry from remortgages, ain't it?

This is my 2nd link: Hyper Extension Roman Chair

Obviously, I'm using this blog to test. Obviously, I'm moving up in the world of affiliate marketing. However, my main site, which is a marketing site, is still not ready. But I landed the first marketing job. I charged too little. Reasons: I'll get a kick ass testimonial, I got 8 referrals, I will get hired many times as the guy owns 2 restaurants and a service business and is keen on getting all kinds of consulting/coaching.

Of course, it might not work out as planned.

The good out of this: I now have proof I can sell my coaching services.

Oh, yeah. I also sold a copy of my book on marketing. Book's not finished. But I got $35. I am to charge $47. I assume when the book is finished, it will be possible.
