Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Googled Myself

and found out that there's a lot of me out there.  I even found myself on sites that say my name will be kept mum.  There goes my trust in the world! Tsk, tsk, tsk.  Next I'm going to google see if I can find interesting facts about me.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Do Astronauts See God When They Go In Space?

Every now and again I tinker with my lenses.  Yesterday I tinkered with and today again.  Today I also tinkered with but not as much: my daughters have questions.

That was the question my 4-year old daughter has for me today.  I get interesting questions from my daughter.  My 6 year old has been after me for 2 years to tell her who made the universe.  She does not find the religious explanation sufficient.  Yes, God made the world but who made God?  The scientific one does not satisfy either.  Who made the little dot of matter that exploded at the time of the Big Bang?  And they are relentless.  I once clocked my older daughter, when she was in her early fours, during a car trip.  She asked 423 questions in one hour.  All of them statrted with Who, What, When, Why or Where.  Should I take that as an indication she's going to be a great journalist?

Speaking of journalism, I've got 4 articles publised in  They're informative or fun or both, if I say so myself.  I know because quite a few people are reading them (between 5 and 10 reader/day, depending on article).  My favorite is not the reader's favorite, though.  Here are the links to them:,-Seriously---Cross-My-Heart,-Too&id=3633073

Back to my Squidoo lenses: Google still doesn't know they exist but they've moved up in the Squidoo world. is ranked 38554 overall ins Squidooland, and 4122 Squidoo shopping while is ranked 44907 overall and 4826 in shopping.  No sales yet, no comments, and nobody in Squidoo has marked them as favorites.  C'est la vie, huh?

Friday, January 29, 2010

I conquered Vietnam

It's 8 degrees Farenheit today.  I took my daughter to school.  We were late.  I got busy on the computer.  She did not get ready for school because her dress has a bow that ties in the back.  She can't tie it so she waited till I was ready.  She really couldn't put on her shoes or comb her hair or wash her face till the bow was tied.

She had a dream but she will not tell me except that it was good.  The first dream she told me about was about the Smurfs, the blue little people.  She told me she fell in love with one of them.  I quote: "I don't know how it happend.  But it did."  She was almost 4 at the time. 

She's told me some of her dreams since then but lately she stopped.  Tells me she doesn't know why she's not telling me the details, she just doesn't feel like sharing.  She only tells me that they were good and they still involve cartoon characters, usually princesses.

I haven't had a dream since I dreamt that I conquered Vietnam.  Actually, the dream was about me on a parade with people fawning over me, because I had conquered Vietnam.  I woke up feeling like a billion dollars.

In the dream I had before that one, I had saved Einstein and his wife from some thugs.  In my dream he was old, looking like he looks in that famous photo of his, was living in Chicago, had not yet discovered relativity.  I, therefore, did humanity a big favor.

Anyway, I made a change to the last article I mentioned, so has not published it yet. 
My lenses are slowly but surely moving up in ranks.  Still, Google has not found them.

My two published articles have been viewed 150 times.  I wonder if 'viewed' means 'read.'  They were mailed 8 times.  In the beginning the article about the two things to watch out when you buy a tv was read a lot more than the 3 Techniques That Can Turn Anyone Into A Perpetual Aspiring Writer.  Now they're about even with the 3 Techniques having been read slightly fewer times. 

They were also emailed 8 times.  Someone tweeted about 3 Techniques.  "Interesting" and gave the link.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sent another article to EzineArticle

It's called "The Secret of Success. Truly. Cross My Heart Too".  Like  the other article on writing 3 Techniques That Can Turn Anyone Into A Perpetual Aspiring Writer -- Advice From A Master PAW (here's the link:, it's got little to do with tvs but still I am trying to get back links to my squidoo lenses on tvs, so I put it in shopping.  Let's see what happens.  Expected result: not much.

Oh, yeah.  Since did not publish "The Secret of Success.  Truly.  Cross My Heart Too" I don't have a link to it yet.  Stay tuned.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


First, I wrote a couple of articles and sent them to,, and  They all accepted them.  I'm told I was naive to expect otherwise.  So now I have 2 situations where I have the same article in 3 places.  "3 Techniques That Can Turn Anyone Into A Perpetual Aspiring Writer-Advice From a Master PAW" got picked up several times.  Not everybody is giving me credit.  One of the places took it, changed it, mangled it.  I think they had a computer replace words here and there with synonyms.  It was beautiful, if I say so myself, it's incoherent on their site, if I say so myself. 

I reread it, found several errors, mispellings.  Next time I will have to proofread the proofread version.

Since it seems every ezine I send something to accepts it, I need to send out an article to only one ezine(unless I rewrite it).  I plan to write 2, one for, since I got so many hits from there, and one to another, random (the goal is to link from many sites to my lenses). 

The reuslts of the articles, there were 7 visits from to my lenses, 3 from, one from the site that copied my article and mangled it.

I looked at the Squidoo ratings for my lenses every evening.  And they changed a lot. 

Samsung lens
date          overall rank         Shopping rank                visits             activity 

01/18         875,250            67,367                             1                 facebook, digg, blog, ping, edited lens
01/19         176,095            67,367                             3                 blog, ping, articles, edited lens
01/20         119,380            16,135                             3                 blog, ping, articles, edited lens
01/21         119,389            16,135                             4                 edited lens, articles, ping   
01/22          55,100             16,135                             1                 none

The first lens I did is ranked 44,227th overall, and 7,655th in Shopping.  I created it on 4 days before the Samsung lens.  I diged my lens in  I sent emails to all my firiends and family members asked them to look at my lenses, maybe bookmark them.  Not one did. 

So, I am going to create a lens in which I cover what I did and my ranking.  It will create another link ot my lenses and give people an idea of how to move fast up in the ranks.

What do you think?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Belated Introduction and Vizio TV Squidoo Lenses

I guess I should have started with a bit of introduction. I like writing and I think I need to do marketing, which I also like. I decided to make money online, and and seemed to me the easiest way to get started. I might be wrong as I do not know enough about affiliate marketing.

In any case, I made 2 Squidoo lenses. Why are they called lenses? I figured people are forever buying electronics. On E-bay, Vizio LCD TVs, especially the 42" had sold the most in the 2 weeks prior. So I did a lens for 42 Vizio LCD TVs. Since the next big seller were Samsung LCD TV's, I made my second lens for Samsung TVs. I actually own one and am quite happy with it.

Then I had to start on getting visitors to my lenses. I mentioned them on my Facebook page, in some articles, here. The result, after 5 days, the Vizio LCD TV lens has got 21 hits, no buyers and it is ranked 54,829 overall in Squidoo, 7,655 in Squidoo shopping. The Samsung TVs lens, after 3 days has had 9 hits, no body bought. It is ranked 119,380 overall in Squidoo, 16,1315 in shopping.

I am going to make another lens today. Well, I'll start one. I'll make one about a computer Dell laptop that's going to be released soon. Then I'll make another one about my lenses. Like a Master Lens.

Today I will also submit 2 articles to ezines. I've already submitted them to several.

I submitted them to,, and will submit to many more. I am told this is the way to move up in the Google ranks. As of today, my rating in Google for these 2 lenses is a big fat 0.

Now I have to go take my daughter to school and walk the dog, so end of blogging activities for now. Just so you know, we have a Maltese, 8 year old, Lollypop, and my daughters adore her, expecially my youngest.

If you want to see the lenses I've been blabbing about, look at my first post.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I keep going on

I did another squidoo lens. This time it took almost half the time the 1st one required. I think it's also better. Here's the link to it: Here's the link to the first one: Which one is better according to you?
The trick now is to move them up in squidoo ratings and, obviously, in Google and other search engines. The first one started being rated in as 875,250 overall, and 67,367 in shopping. That was on the 14th. On the 18th, it was 85,391 overall and 8,881 in shopping.
How do I movit it up>

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I Made One, I Made a Squidoo Lens, I Must Be a Genius

Today, January 15, 2010 I finally entered the world of Squidoo with a lens on Vizio 42 TV's. If I did it, anyone can. So get started.
Now I've got to figure out how to get people to see it. Which means I've got work to do, can't keep blabbing on and on, not even in writing.
Yes, I picked a lousy nickname to have on Squidoo, sue me.